Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Were built in the sixth century. during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II in that city on the banks of the Euphrates (the Babel of biblical texts).

Around the year 600 AD., Nebuchadnezzar II, King of Chaldea, his wife wanted to Amytis, daughter of the king of the Medes, a gift to show your love for her and remember the beautiful mountains of their land, so different from the great plains of Babylon.

According to a legend, however, the gardens were built in the eleventh century. By then reigned in Babylon Shammuramat, Semiramis called by the Greeks, as regent for her son Adadnirari III. It was a valiant king, who conquered India and Egypt. But his son could not resist that conspiracy to defeat it, and ended up committing suicide.

The gardens were located near the palace of the King, more precisely on the river, so that passengers could contemplate because access was forbidden to the people. From the highest of the terraces was a water tank from which several streams running.

The latest archaeological excavations in the ancient city of Babylon, in the current territory of Iraq to uncover the settlement of the palace. Other findings include the domed building with thick walls and an irrigation near the southern palace.

A group of archeologists examined the area of the southern palace and reconstructed the arch construction as the Hanging Gardens. However, the Greek historian Strabo had stated that the gardens were located in the Euphrates River, while the domed building is several hundred meters away. Rebuilt the place of the palace and located the Gardens in the area that stretched from the river to the palace.

In the river, the walls of recently discovered 25 meters in thickness may be in the form of stepped terraces, as described by the Greek references. However, there is little evidence for any of these theories, since they do not mention anything in the many documents of the Babylonian era.

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